Saturday, December 19, 2015

 Bald Mountain in Weld is a wonderful little hike for the first one in the spring or any time you feel like a short but robust climb. It has great views along the way of Mt. Blue and Webb Lake. At the top you can see many mountains, lakes and towns near and far. The wild flowers along the trail are lovely in the spring.
 In turn, Bald Mountain can be seen from many places in the surrounding towns and is quite well known. Along the road to Weld and at it's base is a sweet little pond, surrounded by bushes, birches and other trees holding back the soil, making for a nice arrangement for a painting.
  It makes you want to grab your canoe and get paddling.On your wall, you can imagine it all year round.
  If you are interested in purchasing this 16x16 framed oil painting for $399 plus tax in Maine, please email me at
All Melanie Farmer paintings are internationally copyrighted and may not be reproduced by any means without written permission from the artist.  

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