Monday, November 26, 2007

Varnum Mountain in Spring - Western Maine

Another impressive mountain right near me. I watch it every day as I am coming and going from my road. Sometimes it seems large and comforting, sometimes it seems lower and dark. Long ago I climbed it but had to bushwack most of the way. I would like to go it again some time.
This particular spring day, it spoke to me. I sat in the back of my jeep and painted it while I watched smelters preparing to go out in the darkness to try their luck at the pond near the base of Varnum Mountain.
If you are interested in purchasing this 8 X 8 original oil painting on panel, please email me at $149 framed in a 2" gold frame (plus shipping and, if in Maine, sales tax)

All Melanie Farmer paintings are internationally copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any from without written permission from the artist.

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